This news brief has information about a student loan forgiveness scam. It also includes important information about Duo, restarting computers, and reporting email scams.
This Week’s Cybersecurity News, 06/27/2024
This Week’s Cybersecurity News, 05/09/2024
This news brief includes information about two current threats, reporting cybercrime, the Acceptable Use Plan, and Duo push alerts. It also includes a question about surveys for Ask Your CISO.
This Week’s Cybersecurity News, 03/06/2024
This news brief reminds you not to click on Duo alerts that you did not initiate. It also reminds you why you need to include Internet headers when reporting email scams.
Happy Cybersecurity Awareness Month
This post celebrates the start of the 20th Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This year’s theme is Secure Our World and today you learn four easy ways to stay safe online.