Topics covered in this newsletter include Data Privacy Day, being extra vigilant, and lunch and learn opportunities.
Topics covered in this newsletter include Data Privacy Day, being extra vigilant, and lunch and learn opportunities.
f you are a UT merchant employee, you are required to take PCI training on an at least annual basis, per UTIA IT0311 –Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Plan and…
Topics covered in this newsletter include Data Privacy Day, External Email, Cyber Threats for 2021, and Current Threats.
This seems to be a very opportune time to remind everyone about how to work securely fromhome. You: First and foremost, technology alone cannot fully protect you; you are the…
General Right The HIPAA Privacy Rule generally requires organization’s health plans and most health care providers (Covered Entities) to provide individuals, upon request, with access to the protected health information…
State Law Pre-emption State laws that are contrary to the HIPAA regulations are pre-empted by the federal requirements, which means the federal requirements will apply. “Contrary” means it would be…
Storage Security An end user device is a personal computer (desktop or laptop), individual device (e.g., personal digital assistant [PDA], smart phone, etc.), or removable storage media (e.g., USB flash…
Right to Confidential Communication Accommodate reasonable requests for communications to individuals by alternative means or at alternative location: Some individuals may prefer communications through unencrypted e-mails; Other individuals may not…