Good morning.
Today I have one non-threat to tell you about. This email was sent yesterday afternoon and I want to make sure you know it is real. I also have a couple of security reminders.
Current Non-Threat
- OIT Customer Satisfaction Survey (email)
- The sender is Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Digital Innovation <oitutkcio@utk.edu>.
- The subject is Take the Annual OIT Customer Satisfaction Survey Today.
- The message is asking you to complete a 10-15 minute survey by Friday, March 8.
- The survey link is https://tiny.utk.edu/oitcustomersurvey.
- Your responses are anonymous.
- There is an offer to be entered for a drawing of $100.
- Please remember that this pertains to UTK’s Office of Innovation Technology, which includes Desktop Support and the OIT HelpDesk.
- This is not about UTIA’s Information Technology Services, CVM Computer Operations, or any other Institute-specific IT services.
Important Reminders
- Physical Security
- Physical security is a big part of IT security.
- Many risks are going to be online and through email, texts, phones, links, etc.
- However, if you leave your computer unlocked and walk away from it, you are looking at a whole different level of risk.
- If you leave your computer unlocked, anyone who happens to notice can use your computer.
- Please never leave your computer unlocked when you leave for a quick trip down the hall, for lunch, or the end of the day.
- It may help you remember this to know that anything done, sent, accessed, etc., will look like it was you since the computer’s event logs will show you are the one logged in.
- Make sure all papers with any Institute data are locked away, as well.
- Remember that insider threats may be intentional or unintentional, but they both can cause significant harm no matter the intent and execution.
- Updates
- Don’t forget to reboot your computer regularly to make sure you have all the latest updates.
- If you don’t always close your browser windows, you really need to do this at least every couple of days to make sure you have the latest version of each browser.
- Institute-owned computers will get automatic updates, but if you click to have the computer restart later to finish the updates, just know that the updates are not complete until the necessary reboot has been done.
Thank you all so very much for everything you do each day for the Institute, as well as all you do to protect the Institute’s data. Please contact me anytime you have a security question. I am here to help you, so don’t ever be hesitant to ask!