The usual threats still exist, but today I want to let you know about a legitimate email, as well as two things having to do with voicemail.
Legitimate Email
- McLean & Company
- The subject is McLean Employee Experience Survey.
- The sender is survey@mcleanco.com.
- The email and survey are legitimate.
- This is a survey sent on behalf of UTSA Human Resources.
Current Threats
Vishing scams (Voicemail Phishing)
- The Eavesdropping Scam
- The call uses legitimate numbers so people will call them back.
- The call is a mass volume robocall but actually sounds very personal.
- The recipient can hear the “caller” say something along the lines of how they are trying to reach you to “someone” in the background.
- The content of the voicemail is vague and does not include any of the typical scam-like keywords.
- Don’t call the number back.
- If you do call back, the scammer can use any number of scams to trick you, but more commonly will offer fraudulent tax relief services.
- Voicemail Email
- If you receive an email that you have a voicemail message from anyone besides UT, please delete it.
- This is really phishing, but they want you to click to hear your “voicemail” message
- This comes from various senders designed to look like a legitimate email.
- UT has not changed how they send emails notifying you of a true voicemail message unless you are using RingCentral, the cloud=based app that rings your UT phone number through the computer.
- If you are using RingCentral, your voicemail is now within the RingCentral app.
Thank you all so much for everything you do to help keep the Institute’s data safe!