A while back, I told everyone about UTIA IT0304P – Network Registration Procedures. The procedures are for properly registering your Institute-owned IT assets so the Network Registration (NetReg) database would have the assets’ correct information. The database looks like we are doing a great job of registering those devices, so I thank you so much.
I have noticed that once a device is registered, it doesn’t get updated very often, if ever in some cases. The information in the database is so helpful to me, Network Services, and Audit & Compliance, but not if the information is incorrect. I would like for you to keep this in mind and update for any of the following instances:
- Your computer has been re-imaged with a newer version of operating system (e.g., Windows 8 to Windows 10);
- A computer is taken out of service;
- You are no longer the owner or user; and/or
- You change the location where the computer will be used, even if it is just the room number.
Why is this information so important? If Network Services sees a computer on the network that is exhibiting odd behavior, they may need to know exactly where it is. I may get a call about a computer and I need to track down the current user. Audit & Consulting may use the data in NetReg when performing an audit. For instance, if they are auditing a department and want to know how many Windows 7 computers are on the network (there should be zero!), then they may use NetReg to pull a list of what is showing there.
If you have a computer that you need help changing the NetReg information, you can call the OIT HelpDesk at (865) 974-9900, and they can help. Or you can send me an email and let me know about it. I’m always here to help you.
I have just two more quick things to mention. First, if you are running a server (a computer that manages access to a centralized resource on the network), definitely keep NetReg updated. We will be doing server inventory on or around March 31 and September 30, on an annual basis.
Second, there is a change coming to the VPN. This Wednesday, OIT will be changing how we log into the VPN. Authentication will change to the Central Authentication Service (CAS) that is used by so many of our other apps, such as Vault, SUPER, Banner, Zoom, K@TE, myIRIS, etc. You will find more information about the upcoming change to the VPN.
I can’t believe another month is just about gone! I sure hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!