On June 17, the new UTIAsecurity website went live. I am very excited about the site because I think it will be easier for you to find pertinent IT security information. Here are few of my favorite things about the new site:
- It is in WordPress and not SharePoint.
- It is fresh and bold, without being cluttered by so many words on the main pages.
- The homepage currently highlights the monthly e-newsletters, like this one.
- Just click “Read the Newsletters” to see the last twelve that have been sent.
- The older newsletters are archived so you may still refer back to them if you want or need to see something I have sent.
- The homepage also highlights items under “Keeping You Safe” that I wanted to feature as the most important things to know.
- These are the most current and problematic threats of which I have seen or heard.
- When I hear about a specific phishing email that many people are getting, I will add it to this page.
- If it is the same threat that keeps repeating, but has slight changes, I will update that threat, e.g., spear phishing.
- Please continue to tell me when you know or think you are getting email scams!
- Compliance includes links to each of our most common compliance areas, as well as the UTIA Policies and Procedures page.
- There is a Knowledge Base that allows you to look for what you want, without having to do a lot of searching.
- You can choose Categories for a broad search and tags for a more specific search to find everything on the site that has to do with that category or tag.
I hope that you all will take time to look at the site, https://utiasecurity.tennessee.edu (yes, it is the same vanity URL!) and bookmark it. I think it will be easier to use now. And a huge thank you to Michele Wilson, of UTIA ITS, who did a great job with the design of the new site!
Current Threats
Microsoft 365 Password Change
I first notified everyone of this scam on June 17. It has slowed down considerably, but I still hear about it or have received it a couple of more times.
I put the details on the UTIAsecurity site’s homepage under Keeping You Safe. Just go to https://utiasecurity.tennessee.edu/microsoft-365-password-change/ to read more.
Spear Phishing
These attacks are still coming through. The last ones I have seen don’t really have any content to the email, they just have the subject, “Send me your available cell phone number,” or something very similar. Please do not reply and remember that these messages do not come to only you. Because they are sent using bcc: plenty of others are receiving the same message.
I have updated the Spear Phishing information under Keeping You Safe, as well.
Please keep an eye on https://UTIAsecurity.tennessee.edu for other information on current threats.
I appreciate all that you do to keep the Institute’s data and IT assets safe. And please contact me anytime you have questions about something that is possibly an IT security issue. I am here to help you with answers and solutions.
Thank you all for all that you do!