With the start of the new semester, it seems that a few zoom bombings have taken place. Zoom bombing, also called Zoom raiding, is when an uninvited person(s) enters a Zoom session with the intent to disrupt that session. The typical Zoom bombing involves the uninvited person(s) hijacking the session by speaking or showing materials that are considered to be racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate. This type of behavior goes against the mission of the Institute, as well as the University, and is unacceptable.
Here are the Institute’s guidelines for successfully securing your Zoom sessions. Please remember that not all meetings/sessions are the same. You may choose different settings based on your needs for a specific session. There are also some additional resources here, like the UTK Office of Information Technology’s Zoom links:
- UTIA Best Practices for Zoom Meetings
- Zoom Bombing (OIT)
- How to Quickly Mute All Participants and End a Share Screen Activity at the Same Time (OIT)
- How to Keep Uninvited Guests Out of Your Zoom Event (Zoom)
- Reporting Abusive Behavior to Zoom (Zoom)
- “Zoombombing” is a Federal Offense That Could Result in Imprisonment (The Verge)